Lohman-Libby Family History

Welcome to the family history of Margaret (Maggie) Ann Jensen Olson! I've been doing a lot of research this summer, including Ron's family, and have found tons of information. NOTE: remember that posts are in chronolgical order, so you may want to read from the bottom up! Have fun, and please let me know your comments!!!

Tuesday, August 29, 2006


Joseph T Libby was a twin! He had a twin brother named David, and they were born 5 December 1825.

According to "The Libby Family in America 1636 - 1881" Joseph married a woman named Hannah Lovett and they had two children named Ida and Hannah. I have not confirmed this, and I do not know what happened to them.

Sarah's family (the wife he married in Texas in 1870) said that Sarah married "a northern man who was a widower."

Did the children die as well? Were they "given" to other family members? I wonder if we'll ever know for sure.


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