Lohman-Libby Family History

Welcome to the family history of Margaret (Maggie) Ann Jensen Olson! I've been doing a lot of research this summer, including Ron's family, and have found tons of information. NOTE: remember that posts are in chronolgical order, so you may want to read from the bottom up! Have fun, and please let me know your comments!!!

Tuesday, May 03, 2011


Never say never! Tonight I was trying - once more - to see if I could find a record that would confirm that Grandma Smith (born Mary A Wall in Portland ME in 1830) married Lyman Kimball. They both lived in Dover NH in 1850, and worked at a mill. They are listed on the same page in the census.

I originally posted on this blog (in August 2006) that "Based on a variety of clues I have been thinking that perhaps Mary A Wall (who became a Smith when her daughter Sarah was about 10 or so) first married a man named Lyman Kimball in about 1851, and Sarah was born in Biddeford, ME in 1852. By 1860, Mary and Sarah were living in Biddeford alone (so her father must have died in the meantime)."

Tonight I found the record of their marriage: Lyman Kimball (born in Lyman ME about 1829) married Mary Wallis (sic) (born in Portland ME in 1830) on 28 May 1851 in DOVER NH. The clergyman who married them was named Elias Hutchins.

WOW. Never give up!